Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Boat Harbour

It's been blowing a hoolie today so after some chores it was out with the hounds for a walk and another visit to Boat Harbour to watch the whales. 
The far headland in the main blip is where I was last week watching the whales with Orlando Bloom or his doppelgänger.   I went there first and later came over to this second headland.

It was very difficult trying to see the whales with all the white horses around.  I did see about a dozen.  Only one when I first arrived was a bit lively, the rest were just plodding along.

Poppy jumped into the sea on the way to headland.  Crazy dog, she could have drowned but she managed to climb out thank goodness otherwise I had visions of jumping in after her.  She went on the lead after that when we were near the edge.

I saw a sea eagle cruising along and then it dropped down to the sea and flew off with something.  I have put it up in the extra (very poor quality) but I just can't make out what it got. 

There were also lots of gannets around.  I am constantly amazed at how they turn themselves into a missile when they dive in (last extra).  I missed it just as it was hitting the water but got the splash afterwards.  A bit more practice needed I think.

Well that is the weekend over, I hope you all had a good one.

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