
By shy

Family Picnic

For us, Easter Saturday is one of those days where disparate members of the family decide to meet up on neutral territory and do something family-like.

This one was no exception. The chosen venue was a National trust property at Cannons Ashby in Northamptonshire. The main feature was to be a picnic.
This had been organised some time ago, and it soon dawned on Flick that perhaps not all branches of the family were aware that they should provide a contribution.

Rather than phone round to make this clear, it fell upon us to make sure we provided enough for everybody.

The weather was glorious, and the only disaster was that no-one had got the bread out of the freezer the previous night.....

Three sets of people turned up at our house at twelve and off we went.
In the past, we would have had to travel in convoy, but now, thanks to the SatNavs that we all had, we could go at our own pace.

Father-in-Law was the only one who obeyed the SatNav instructions fully, and consequently arrived 15 minutes later than everyone else.

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