A Riot
A few days ago I’d seen some cheap zoomy lens in the CEX in the Kirkgate; it occurred to me that I could use one of those. So I cycled over. It had gone; no great loss I suppose as I’m afraid I’ve hardly taken a photo in recent weeks that wasn’t on my iPhone. That’s a story, eh?
What else? Her Auntie J came over, with great reluctance, to sit in the garden awhile but not really to eat as at her age, you can’t be bothered with it. You can live too long, she wearily informed me. There’s a time just to go. Actually, I think she quite enjoyed her visit, raspberry tarts included.
After she’d gone I went too - up to meet a few of the pensioner chums in the Guildford. We’ve set up a WhatsApp group. I’m now in about nine of these bliddy things. I’ll use that when I get to auntie J’s age and can no longer be bothered with actually inflicting myself on people.
It was actually a very enjoyable day, considering. Considering there were no World Cup games! None!!
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