Keep up with the Jones'

By Scottie5

European Adventure Day 3: Berlin

Arrived at the station at 9.20am for the 9.48am train to Berlin, to find that the train was leaving at 9.21am and our seat reservations were not highlighted on the electronic boards! Aaaarrgh!

There was a medical emergency en route which meant we arrived an hour late. Spoke to a lovely girl on the train who suggested places to see etc. Another couple of short train rides to our flat (with a balcony).

Out for a wander and passed a fabulous violin trio. Tea at an outdoor cafe watching the football match beside a large Brazilian family.

Now sitting on the balcony.

Things to note: Don’t use the Euronet ATM that charges your non-charge credit card! (Should have remembered this from last year.)
Seems to be a fairly hidden plastic charge on bottled water.

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