from the cotton eyes

By p4muk

a pic from a while ago

Today is my last day in istanbul, last night staying at the house in which I was born. Quite emotional...

We connect places with our memories unconsciously. living here in Maltepe has no practical advantage to my life. Far away from where I spend most of my time, has challenging public transportation, and is visually unsatisfactory. I still love it.

Despite all the excuses, this is my home. I belong in here. My parents have huge connections. They raised their first an only child to be an adult between these walls. I went through all of my phrases, made mistakes, grew up. Tears can only be a farewell to my childhood. Now I am an adult. Now I am an independent person who creates her own path solely. It feels good. It feels weird.

I'm almost entirely packed. Baggage ready, boxes ready, pictures are still hanged in their places across my desk. Tomorrow I have an 11 hour flight (longest one so far). Wish me luck, I'll be posting the whole journey. 

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