Fluttering, frittering & fritillaries

Thank you for all yesterday's positive vibes, much appreciated. 

Having bemoaned the lack of butterflies so far this year today we more than made up for it. 
We'd agreed one of us somewhat begrudgingly (as it's basically my idea stolen from a pub table conversation grrrr) to take part in the Big Cumbrian Litter Collection - but we'd also decided that since Joan from the village passed last year we'd do a round of her favourite wildflower spots in remembrance, so we shunned the bigger event and did our own.
Our route out went through the heritage meadow.... and finally it was alive with flutterbys feasting on the flowers, simply glorious. Perhaps our vicious winter has simply slowed their appearance. This Dark Green or Heath Fritillary was the star of the show, mostly for posing so well!
Most of the fells we know well and they were relatively clean, but wherever we touched a road or the Coast to Coast path there was a marked increase. Our haul was one full black bin bag.

Inspired I got home and got on with promoting this year's Real3Peaks Mountain Litter collection. This year we're asking people to raise a team and clean a local hill, last year we expanded from the original big three to 7 sites. This year I'm hoping for 21.....

Philosophy Friday 
The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough.
Rabintranath Tagore

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