The Photographer's Shadow

Lovely to be back in Cadaques on our first visit of the year. It magically both roots and uplifts us!

Today, we remember Chaiselongue, five years after her passing. How life's unstoppable momentum carries on, leaving so many happy memories in its wake but still visible!

One such memory is of meeting Chaiselongue and LoJardinier for the first time just up the coast from here, nearly eight years ago on 1st October 2010 . . . see link below. It was a fantastic lunch, followed by other lovely encounters in subsequent years.

So, today, let us, who knew Chaiselongue, rejoice in our good fortune at having met her, in person or virtually. I am sure we all feel both rooted and uplifted when we find her comments sprinkled in the wake of our journals. Behind, but forever visible.

My blip of Chaiselongue . . .

And her's of me . . .

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