Changing seasons...

The humble pomegranate - a very symbolic fruit.

The pomegranate appears many times in Greek mythology. It is most famous in the story of Persephone and is known in classic Greek myth as a symbol of fertility and bounty.
Hades, king of the underworld, takes Persephone to the underworld.
Demeter, goddess of crops and Persephone's mother, became enraged and stopped crop growth.
Zeus then ordered the release of Persephone.
Hades, before she leaves, forces her to eat pomegranate seeds and thus doomed the goddess to the underworld for a portion of every year.
From then on, while Persephone is underground, agricultural growth stops and the world turns dry; when she rises back to the world, the earth begins producing an abundance of crops and flowers.
Hence, Persephone's eating of the pomegranate seed represents the changing of seasons; her rise to earth represents spring and rejuvenation; her descent represents the winter's approach and death.

Pomegranates, thus, symbolize fertility, resurrection, and fruitfulness while also being the significance of changing times and seasons.

Yes, I was desperately scraping the barrel for a Blip today. Very tired. Off for a bath and then maybe eat the pomegranate in the hope some of the rejuvenation may rub off on me....

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