
By Cigs

Way out West on the Union Canal Towpath, Newbridge

Team Cigs have taken the unprecendented step of realeasing data to show how 'Cigs the 1000th' blip was won after widespread speculation that there was performance enhancing substances used.

In the cache of data, details of Cigs diet and power output were made public following the UCI's recent decision to drop the anti doping case after Cigs was found to have higher than normal levels of a banned substance at a recent Dundee grafitti jam. (Cigs tested positive for double the allowed amount of tartazine which has often been linked with hyperactivity)

Team Cigs data shows that a bowl of muesli and natural yoghurt was eaten in attempt to provide the slow release of energy for a long day's painting and then demonstrated the rehyration plan to allow a full day's painting in the baking sun of the Scottish summer. Finally Team Cigs provided information on the power output required to get through a tough day of tagging whilst maintaining a healthy lead over the local constabulary.

We showed the results to some experts to see what they thought but they dozed off.

Chris Froome is 33.

I spent my 51st birthday in the sunshine; lazing about, the occasional beer and I treated myself to a Cigs.

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