Where are you?

Left work early today to see the physiotherapist to deal with some stiffness and pain. Probably related to poor posture (especially when sitting), and a general lack of flexibility. She is confident that she can make a difference.

Back at the apartment afterwards, my attention was drawn to a wee Tauhou in the pot plants on the deck. Went and got the Pentax and was back soon enough that it was still there, I had just got the bird framed and focussed whenit darted away towards the neighbouring apartment. Almost immediately, this one arrived, perched on the balustrade, and began calling, as if to find its mate. After I had managed a half dozen photos, it flew off in the same direction as the other went.

A couple of hours later, after the sun had fallen out of sight below the horizon, I got the extra. From almost the same position as I had photographed the Tauhou (silver eye). A hard choice, decided by paying respect to the wee bird who came and posed and sang.

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