Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

No work

Thursday or Friday and weather here still good so I think I will go walkabout.

I will go south through Gorey then onto Kilmuckridge (childhood caravan holidays), Curracloe and hopefully get out to the Saltees.

Buy some honey from the hippies down there and eat some Wexford strawberries. I will leave my iphone and ipad at home so no social media etc no wifi and no Irish Times online.

I am going to Portugal for a short break in September and I was browsing flights and came upon a return from Dublin for 62 euros. I didn’t hesitate - I pressed the buy button. Now that is cheap.

I hope these little boys are brought to safety out of that cave. How frightened must they be. I can’t even imagine the agony their parents are going through. I pray that it is resolved happily.

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