I don't beleive it!

As Victor Meldrew would say! Last month chubby hubby managed against all odds to get the bloody white elephant (boat) down from the Ardfern yard to Ardrishaig. Given that he has paid more money in storage than he and my chunky monky son paid for it I was glad. Now that it was closer to home he sid, he could pop down and work on it more often. (note I wasnt holding my breath!)
Today after collecting him from damn boat and going for lunch, I found myself on board the bloody thing inspecting it. Then before I knew it I heard myself saying "if you clear all this crap out of the inside, I will rub it down and sand it" or whatever it is you do to these things, thinking all the while there would have either to be a blue moon or even two moons in said sky before it was cleared out
Well did he and chunky monkey son no get the bloody thing cleared out! so now I have to keep to my part of the bargain and if I dont it will now be my fault the bloody thing wont be water tight or sea worthy or floatable or whatever the nautical term is for boats that might not sink!
Happy blipping all

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