
By Beewriter

I hear we won.

They had football on the iPad so donors could watch the game tonight. I would have preferred Wimbledon!

Lou got a huge splash of Cloraprep in her eye as we were packing up tonight. It was mighty painful and lots of water was poured on it. When we got back to base we got some eyewash from the labs then went over to the ambulance station. A very nice paramedic had a look and said we’d done all the right things and a hospital visit would only involve a long wait and the same treatment. She insisted on driving home with one and a half eyes ...thankfully we’ve had a text and she made it safely.

As the NHS is 70 on Thursday we are decorating the fire station where we will be working and doing a cake sale to raise money for Bloodwise. I’ve just had to whizz to Tesco to buy ingredients to bake tomorrow night....there’s no rest for the wicked!!

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