The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

England won???

México had been eliminated, Scotland and Ireland weren't there, and somehow England scraped through to the Quarter Finals in the sudden death penalty shootout. I feel a bit sicker than usual after that excitement.

This is a trailing ivy leaved pelargonium outside the cabin. We both love the colour. I don't think the blurring-in-a-circle has really worked.

What else happened? The heatwave continues. We are preparing for the whole-school play next week. Nursery children don't tolerate hanging around waiting for things to happen...

Today was the last Regency class. I had said I couldn't return to the WEA class next term because my working hours will change after half term, but the tutor says we can come to an arrangement. That's handy, because I am branch secretary and also it's poetry and art, AND I've been attending for six years.

I'm sure there are things I should be doing, but what with all this heat, and football, and general lassitude, I'll probably just go to bed and read more about the Dandelion Years at Bletchley Park.

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