Red & Green

Was in the library this morning planning a tour though by the end I think it was murder. Call me old fashioned but I thought a library was a place of quiet study and contemplation!! Well here it seems to be a flaming nursery! This influx of buggy pushing mother's arrive, march their sproglets to the kiddy area then they start gossiping while their spawn run wild all around the place chucking books at each other or hiding behind shelves or crawling under tables all the while their bloody mother's are still talking about "Love Island ( which ain't Skye by the way but some dreadful tv reality show). The librarians take refuge in their inner sanctum lest they actually check these rude parents and their unruly weans. Took a run in the afternoon but the roads were like Brans Hatch but with clowns driving!. Kilt Rock was a no no due to the volume of tourists. I did stop to chat to some crofters who were waiting for sheep shearers who they said were from New Zealand. Heck of a long way to go to get sheep shearers! There may be dust bunnies in my photo as I'm uploading via my phone and can't see them on the phone screen.

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