Time goes...
With all this talk about procrastination, when I saw a dandelion about to 'fly' away I though it would make an appropriate blip for today! So here it is :) Just cropped quite simple today. Click for more Time Flies!
Weather very dull and grey and I had planned an indoor blip, but there you go, I can't keep out of my front garden...my neighbours probably think I'm quite mad always out there photographing something!
I'm still procrastinating, though I have popped out this morning....popped into town to the bank, and went to the post office to send a letter recorded delivery~guess what, it was closed due to computer problems!!!! Why does this always happen to me....I can't go to the post office tomorrow because I'm on a full study day, so it won't be posted til Monday :(
Anyway, home now, and I just need to find the energy to finish answering the question we were emailed on Tuesday. I need to do it for the option subject of Leadership; its the first lecture tomorrow!! I am getting on better with that one than I thought and at least have something down on paper. The rest of the work Ihave a big zero on paper....which is a bit worrying!
While I'm doing that, I've washing in the machine and I'm just about to start making some red onion chutney (if it works out it will be my blip tomorrow), no point today, its not made yet!
Can anyone tell me the best way to sterilise old jam jars (washed of course) for the chutney to go in? Thank you in advance!
Also looking to have a go at souffle~I'm inspired by Cathaber's attempt yesterday :)
Tomorrow is a full on day for me on the course 9.30 til 5pm! I think I'll want to curl up and relax when I get home :) Last month it was very cold in the church, and by the end of the day I'd no feeling in my hands or feet, so this time I've got the thermals out, and wearing lots of layers...probably means I'll get too hot!!
Have a great weekend blippers!
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