Unplanned round trip......
......to Wor Ma's who had left the phone off the hook (duration online was 12 hrs 6 seconds when I hit the end call button!), lucky I went because she had the fire going full blast and the place was like an oven (I'm thinking we may have to sneakily remove the fuse from the plug when she's not looking during this warm spell!) While I was there (with all the doors and windows open and giving her merry hell) Maya, her lovely morning carer arrived, so I had a useful chat with her. To add insult to injury I managed to 'just miss' buses in both directions......turns out they've changed the timetables......grrrrr. Fed the boy-in-the-attic's fishies on the way home (after the usual tussle with his front door lock) so now I need a bit of a lie down please.........
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