
Up early to the allotment to feed the ravening hordes and do some watering. Unfortunately the nozzle attachment flew off the end of the hose and dowsed the lower half of my jeans in water. Then I returned the hire car and got the bus out to the zoo, where I was supposed to be meeting with family who are camping in Fife but coming across for the day. But they apparently had some sort of crisis with the awning (no idea!) and didn't arrive till about 2 pm. Hence I wandered lonely as an Egyptian Vulture (see extra) and looked at the animals whilst trying to avoid wee screaming humans. My legs were still quite damp. P, T and N happily arrived just in time for the penguin parade, which restored my faith in....penguins, at least.

When I'd taken the photo of the capuchin monkeys they were too far away for me to see the expressions on their faces. Don't know about wise....three grumpy monkeys, more like.

Later, Mr Dave returned from offshore and we went to the pub and watched the Belgium-Japan match, followed by a fish supper. Mmm.

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