
of course I didn’t actually take this shot, but it’s taken with my iPhone and I’m going with it. Damn the rules!

I’ve just completed the Scottish expedition, along with Sheol, and now it’s time to go see my grandchild, who was born two days after we rode off into the northern sunshine. Ivy is, therefore, one week old today.

I’m incredibly tired after the final 221 miles through screamingly hot and congested motorways, and not a little overcome with the beauty of this little package. Tomorrow, reality returns with the closing days of the Public Inquiry.

It’s been a smashing break away with my trusty companion, who is a delightful fellow not in the least inclined to lead one astray. Both bikes managed the ride with excellent handling, even Morrigan - who isn’t really built for steep 180° counter camber twists on melting tarmac and loose gravel.

For now, happy daze...

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