From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


What can I say? Awesome night. Bellowhead were on MIGHTY form. And their support act weren't half bad either. You know it's been a good gig when you come away with two new CDs and a t-shirt! ;-)

Yes, Mr G and I have been gallivanting once again. My kind mother-in-law came over in time to help put the little Gs to bed and then stayed the night so that we didn't need to worry about which train we got home.

If you haven't heard Bellowhead, I don't really know where to start. Ostensibly a folk band, they are so much more than that. At times veering into almost heavy metal, jazz, rave, all with a gypsy-ish twist... 11 incredibly talented musicians, playing a bewildering array of instruments. In one track they had trumpet, trombone, 2 saxophones (being played simultaneously by the same guy!), tuba, drums, mandolin, squeezebox, four fiddles and six vocalists.

No, that shouldn't work, but oh it does.

I'll stop trying. For some relatively tame examples, try here or here.

Anyway, this is actually a guest blip - both Mr G and I tried an overhead-point-the-camera-phone at the stage shot. This is his. Much straighter and fewer audience heads than I managed. He's taller.

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