A Birthday Gift to Len

After a fitful night, I woke just after 5 am. As is my custom these hot days, I went to the conservatory to open the doors to let some cool air in before the sun gets up.

Surprise and great pleasure to find this female Common Hawker dragonfly resting on the window blind just inside one of the doors. I rushed to get a camera to take shots while I could. I needn't have worried. It takes some time for a dragonfly to warm up on a cool morning.

Then I went for the tripod as I realised I could use a slower shutter speed. Gaining in confidence, I finally chose a macro lens, to fill the frame with the insect.

I hope Len's really pleased with the photo too. It's his birthday today. I've been treated to some smashing photos on his birthday in the past.

I closed the conservatory door to in case an inquisitive corvid should also spy this prize for its breakfast.

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