twinned with trumpton


An hour of watching World Cup catch up; then off to Bill's for more flat pack funriture assembly/ He text me as I was getting a coffee to say he felt rubbish, but I said if he was up to it, I would come and do the drawers (and the chest too) as if I didn't then it might be another week or more before I get finished... He duly slumped on the sofa and dozed through Question Time whilst I got tore into the job in hand. 
By 1230 I was needing to head off and meet her; much to do; so off to Ikea to look at blinds in the scorching heat. No Cigs at the underpass; boo! 

We looked at blinds; bought candles and plates and went back to hers to drop off the bounty. A cold beer in the Meadows (rehydration is key in this heat) and then the sobering realisation she'd left her keys in the flat; so off I sped to mine to get the spares and back up to let her in to get the roast chicken on. Only 35 minutes; not too shabby.

And a mostly quiet dozy evening of lime chilli garlic coconut coriander chicken and rice thing and a glass of viognier. Before I rolled homewards; fourth 50km day in a row.

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