A Cold and Refreshing Bath

It was REAL hot here today. 96F (33C). Hot AND humid, and the air conditioning has quit working in my truck.

So, when I saw the old cast-iron tub out in the yard...an idea clicked into my head. I called the two numbers on the sign, but neither Joyce or Pat answered. Figuring they wouldn't mind, I dragged their hose out to the tub, plugged the hole, and filled it up.

I glanced both ways, stripped off my clothes, and submerged myself in the cold water. WOO-HOO! THAT WATER IS COOL! Like the title says...it was VERY refreshing.

How long did I stay in the cold water? I stayed until some guy drove by, and yelled out his window..."HEY, ARE YOU FILMING A CIALIS COMMERCIAL?"

That was enough of that.

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