Back in Whitby

We find ourselves in Whitby again, for the fourth time! Same lovely central apartment again. Same first week of the Scottish summer holidays again. Ah what you gonna do, it works for us. A manageable drive and tried and tested accommodation. And I'm sure we'll do some of the same activities. But the holiday is different every time as CyclopsJnr gets bigger!

(And this year it might even be sunny?)

We had the last RugbyTots of term in the morning so we stayed for that. They started putting the skills together and played a rugby-ish game with passing and try scoring. Exciting. CyclopsJnr has made a couple of little friends there and they were quite silly and excitable together at times, but nice to see them being sociable and enjoying themselves.

Set off straight from rugby. CyclopsJnr had a nap a fair way in so we just drove until he woke then had lunch nearby, which was Chester le Street. A final push and we arrived about 5pm. 

We were within spitting distance of our accommodation but delayed ages by the swing bridge opening! Didn't really mind, that was quite interesting.

We dropped our stuff off and went for a meander and to grab a few provisions. We saw lots of boats, and creels, and people crabbing. CyclopsJnr was really excited and happy, capering about.

We're all tired so just eating in tonight. No plans for the holiday! We'll see what the days (and weather) brings.

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