Another cool...

...painting for you to reduce the heat of today...

Done early this morning between 5 and 6 am. It probably took me about 20 minutes.

From one of those acrylic paintings in 10 minutes from You Tube. Again I wasn’t happy with it this morning, but 12 hours later this evening I think I like it!.

I left early this morning because I had stuff to do. But I saw the free newspaper lady. She likes to talk, but she appears to forget the next time we meet. She appears to have strategies but I wasnt sure what for.

Anyway she tells me the free newspaper is finishing soon because the firm don’t think it is worth it in this internet age. They think that no one reads it. But I glance through it, and then the newspaper is useful for covering my table so I can paint. So this probably means me looking for a weekend paper (for the amount of paper in it!).

Then the conversation got very interesting. It seems she has brain damage, I don’t know how long ago, I just let her talk. She has three titanium bolts permanently in her head. She wanted me to feel them, so I did.

Anyway one of the effects of the brain damage is that she does not recognise people to remember them. So this then makes sense of the conversations I’ve had with her over the years. She is fishing, in an intelligent strategic way to try and remember that person. As she was with me today. It was interesting the way she asked questions.

She was interested in the brain, and we talked for a further hour. I was now very late, but that didn’t matter.

Then she said she had just got her driving licence back, and then I realised the gleaming white shiny new mini with all this chrome on it was hers. And I realised she was more smartly dressed than I have ever seen before. There was an even more air of confidence about her.

Something has gone very right for her recently.

So before she left to her car I said ‘Hug?’.
And she said ‘I am not a huggy person.’
‘Neither am I.’ I said.

She reached out and we hugged and gave me a lovely kiss on the cheek.

As she got into her car and drove away, I realised I didn’t exist any more for her. One of the last things she had said was:

‘I live for the present moment.’


‘I’m alive. That is the greatest gift.’

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