Missenden Abbey

The venue. Where it all happens. Nice place and accommodation that is the equal of any Holiday Inn Express. Yes. That plush. But actually fine. Serviceable. And having decided that I would leave my cynic at home and that I would resist every urge to tut, roll my eyes and mutter 'for fuck sake', the whole thing is good fun and useful even. Entertaining at least. Today was the actress doing Henry V. Oh, wait, no, that was yesterday. Today was the behavioural psychologist trying to find out who were perfectionists demanding that everything be done when they said - the compulsive musterbators.

And a proper dinner, with wine and everything. Actually, rather too much wine and it was probably a mistake on someone's part (but at least someone way above my pay grade) to persuade them to reopen the bar. 3am with a day to go was not wise.

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