Places To Go, Things To Do......

I'm not going to be able to tell you what kind of creature this is or what it's doing but it was speeding along (speeding as much as a caterpillar (?) can speed), but it sure was cute.  I came across it during a walk in the park this evening which turned out to be a longer walk than planned.  I was trying to cautiously start walking again but went a little too far, wore myself out and aggravated my arthritic hip.   My daughter very kindly drove to the park and gave me a ride home.  I really didn't think my destination was as far away as it turned out to be so I was very grateful for the rescue.  

I was also trying to get rid of some aging bread but I couldn't interest a seagull in it.   Not sure if the gulls are watching their diet or not.  Very unusual to not draw a gull crowd with a bag of bread.  The same thing happened down at Marine Park the other day.  One gull sat on a piling and watched me gleefully tossing bread all over the place but he didn't budge.  I put a picture in Extras of the only, and disinterested, gull I came across this evening.

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