
By Ashleyn15g

Baby Class

Tonight was on breast feeding. I saw more boobs in a group setting, than I ever want to in my entire life.

We did learn a lot though. It doesn’t seem as weird as I thought. We learned positions and benefits. However, it annoys me when they say breast feeding is so superior and the brain development isn’t as good if you don’t. I had tons of health problems and was breast fed, yet my sister had formula and she is fine and was a much less fussy baby. Furthermore, I think Juaquin is 10x smarter than me, and he was drinking soda at 6 months.

Are there benefits and is it more natural? Sure! But to make it seem like your child isn’t going to be as healthy if you chose not to is too much pressure on new moms. I mean, how many times have you met a dumb person and thought, man, they must not have been breast fed!

Personally, I have decided to breast feed, but I wouldn’t be upset with myself if I did decide to use formula.

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