Waiting for the train

We had a relaxed morning. Just called in to look at the mosque next door which was functional rather than the over-ornate ones in Oman etc.

Kings Cross is so improved now. We didn’t even need to buy horrible train food as there was a lovely food market outside selling tasty stuff from many cultures. Spoiled for choice with Asain, Middle Eastern, Polish, Italian and Scottish. We went for Middle Eastern.

It was sunny at the station so we sat outside and these beautiful,young women were opposite.

It is hotter at home (30c) than in London and we were able to sit on the terrace even when the sun left it. This has neve4bhappened in the 14 years we’ve lived here. However it appears the moorland west of us is on fire. Luckily there should be enough army personnel at Otterburn to help.

Ps just been told by Mr C it was the army that caused it! “The area contains possible unexploded ordinance so the MOD said no attempt was being made to extinguish the 2 fires 15km apart which have been burning for 5 days.”

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