PM and EK

Final day of the conference. I had to be up there early as I was chairing a 9am session. We didn't quite manage to have more people in the audience than on the panel, but the papers and discussion were pretty good none the less. I also went to another panel after the coffee break, before we met up with PM and EK for lunch. They've been great friends in Helsinki, and we'll miss them a lot when we're back in Edinburgh. But hopefully we will see them before too long.

I took a swim after lunch, but apart from that we had a lazy afternoon in the hotel. We met JH and AG for dinner and over-indulged (again), this time on Cantonese food... A bit of a theme here. We also went for a drink afterwards, where various other people turned up. Staggered back to the hotel where I found it utterly impossible to go to sleep before 4am, mainly turning stuff over in the my head, as well as suffering jetlag and indigestion.

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