
By RobSmallshire

Time Portals

A long day of steady work with unfamiliar tools. Lots of boilerplate I haven’t yet had time to eliminate.

Liz and Freya are sick, so stay at home. At one point Freya’s temperature is over 40°C. It’s a hot day too, so they retreat to the cooler basement.

After the kids are in bed, I catch up on emails and invoices, and visit LinkedIn for the first time in maybe a month. Among a vast number of messages from recruiters, there are a couple from legitimate and long-standing associates, enjoying their own successes.

I decide to sleep in the spare room where it’s cooler, and so I won’t disturb Liz with an early start. There are four pictures on the wall my father took around Swaledale when we owned a cottage in Wensleydale. We sold it almost exactly ten years ago, before the financial crisis has gathered pace, but when we could see what might be coming.

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