Hat Time

There were clouds and a haar this morning when I went out with PD, but it had gone by the time I got home.

By lunchtime it was hot - too hot for a full walk for PD. So we only went on a half distance walk and I got him to spent as much time as possible in the stream. I am glad to say that there are some deeper pools for him to get into. I could have done with something to cool down myself - and No, this was not mine.

I didn't get a shot of the Roe deer this morning, but I did get some of squirrels this afternoon. Can you see him? His pal was just sunning himself on a broken branch, where he just lay and watched me.

I picked up the big camera this evening to get a shot of a feather and the battery fell out ……. the cover has gone missing - the one I had to pay a small fortune for a month ago. There is no sign of it being pulled out or damage caused - it has just 'gone'! So tomorrow I am going to have to go back into town to the repair shop again.
Not happy.

EDIT ……….. I have just found out that I have now posted 4,000 Blips (well, 4000 that have actually stayed in place).
Once again I have completely missed it ……….. I really should look at my stats occationally.

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