Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Valley Gardens

Today was a very odd day. I did a bit more in the garden, set a slow cooking marsala lamb shank off in the pot, and went up to Harrogate. I took this shot in the Valley Gardens. I had been intending to go to Plumpton Rocks, but finally found it to discover it was only open at weekends.

Came home, phone call - one of my friends died suddenly. Strange how suddenly everything shifts and you feel you can't rely on the floor any more. I've known Sue for 17 or 18 years, never close, but well enough to stop and chat everytime I saw her. We went to the same church for a few years, then I found she was involved in the theatre group my son goes to. She always commented on my facebook photos, in fact, I had more comments a year from Sue than anyone else. Cause of death currently unknown. She had MS, but was such a strong person, it has come as a bit of a shock to us all. But most of all to her husband, who was completely devoted to her. 

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