
My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Doesn't Wellington look pretty today? Do not be fooled, those clouds hold SQUISHY WEATHER and in fact it started to hail about 30 minutes after I took this picture.

It has been another full-on day of delivering training to a roomful of demanding people asking difficult questions. Funnily enough public speaking holds no fear for me. It is one of the few phobias I do not have. I don't know why. But it is TIRING, man. I got home feeling worn-out and headachey and sick of the sound of my own boring blah blah blah.

The bright spot was one lovely person to whom I gave the training yesterday. She said she felt I was the first IT person who really understood what she wanted and finding me was like "finding a unicorn". 

I'm going to take that in a positive way.

I also got a really long, really lovely message from Lovely Niece 2 today. As you may remember she's been having a really difficult few months. I sent her a message on her birthday telling her how I felt about her and got back a message from her telling me how much it had meant to her.

I read it to Cazza and felt myself choking up a little bit. It doesn't take much for an old bugger like me to give validation to a teenager who is still figuring things out. Really, no effort at all. But it seems to make a huge difference. So now I need to send her more encouraging messages and tell her that she can do anything. 

Probably not today though. Today my head hurts. It is throbbing like there is pressure inside my head, like something is trying to push its way out through my forehead.


Do you think I really am turning into a unicorn?


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