
By Ashleyn15g

Tom Holland & the comicpalooza

NOTE: after a 3 hour wait! 

This was all of our first comic cons. What do we think? The lines are long, the people are weird, and yet it's still a blast. After thinking about everything today, I know we would definitely do things differently next time. But, we definitely want there to be a next time. 

We woke up at around 7:30. Breakfast at the hotel was extremely overpriced. I found a place on Ubereats called Cafe Express. Even with the delivery charge, we paid less. Juaquin got tacos. Mel a parfait. Cara and I got a french toast.
The French toast was incredible! The outside tasted like a funnel cake, and the inside was rich and creamy. In fact, everything from Cafe Express tasted delicious. 

After breakfast, we headed over to the convention. We laughed as we passed the weapon check, where they examine all the fake guns, swords, and lightsabers. We headed straight over to the 10 o clock Tom Holland signature. The line was ridiculous already! We stood in it for two hours. I sincerely felt bad for Cara, who had never seen Tom Holland in any movies, and didn't have the same hype that we did. 

We also had a 12:00 PM photo op with him that kept getting pushed back. Right when we reached the 7th group in line, they shut it down and said he had to get to his photo ops. They gave us a ticket that would hold our place in line. 

So, we left one line for another. The photo op line did seem to go much quicker as it was divided into different groups. We were group 4, and had some time in between line up to grab some Pecos soda and popcorn. Mel also grabbed a picture with some famous guy from a creepy show she liked.

It was nearly 2 by the time we got both the photo and signature. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will love the memory forever, but we really didn't get to visit with him. It was, pose! click! next! He did ask Melissa what her name was in the signature portion and Mel swooned. 

Afterwards, we grabbed some pizza and headed up to Tom Holland's Q&A. Surprise! ANOTHER LINE! This one stretched across what felt like the entire convention center. We almost didn't make it in, and found a seat in the far far back corner of the conference room. 

I'm glad we decided to wait, because we really did enjoy the questions and answers. They called up a little boy on the stage and he was a character. He wanted to sit on Tom Hollands lap the entire time. He also was a little chunky and asked Tom why Disney didn't make a spidarman outfit to fit him. Kids say the darn'dest things! 

Overall, I felt Tom did really well with his fans and still is maintaining a down to earth attitude. I truly hope for his sake that it lasts. 

We wandered around for a good amount of time. There were so many booths to see! We saw, Super Natural's car, Dim and Witt, and comics, games, and cosplay galore! 

My back started to let me know it had just about had it with the standing. We headed back to the room at 4:30, and everyone took a nap. Upon awaking at 6, we realized all the dinner places were going to be packed due to the basketball finals. 

We all decided to just start walking and hopefully find somewhere. Luckily, there was a restaurant in the hotel that didn't have a TV! It was a little pricey, but we didn't care. We were starving. 

Cara and I had an amazing cheese burger, and Melissa and Juaquin had chicken fried chicken. I glanced outside, and commented on how it must feel to live in New York, and only see skyscrapers. At this point the weather was lovely, and a gentle breeze was blowing. It felt like only a few moments later, we glanced outside again, and the tiny twig trees looked as if they might snap in half! 

Our weatherman, Juaquin quickly pulled out his phone. A huge storm was blowing in from the coast. We all found it humorous watching the people running to get to shelter, especially, the ones that were in costumes! But, just as quickly as it arrived, it seemed dissipate away. 

We were all stuffed and wobbled our way back to our rooms. What an amazing day!

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