
Another quietish housework day - bedding washed and I finally got our summer duvet out of the cupboard.

I culled my birds of prey photos to around 150 - and couldn’t bear to part with any more - so that is it! All backed up to two clouds now - which took a while to complete. The red kite shot from Saturday made it to page one of popular - thank you to all for your kind comments.

It is our granddaughter’s birthday tomorrow (four already) - and her new bicycle was delivered today so I assembled that. I hope she likes it!

I started gathering stuff together for our holiday - we are off on a cruise on Sunday, but we leave on Saturday to stay overnight in Southampton. Currency ordered - collect it tomorrow.

Our water butts have been drained (again) - and, with no prospect of any rain soon, I filled one with the hosepipe to allow it the water to acclimatise before we started watering.

Whilst watering the front tubs I spotted this hoverfly - so I dashed in for my camera and fortunately the insect was still around. I believe it is Eupeodes luniger!

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