Eleanors photos

By Eleanoragain

Motivation lacking..

I should be writitng a job application for a post as a counsellor at a local hospice, but I can't work up any motivation to go through the painful process again .....the last 2 posts I applied for & got interviewed for I got turned down.

Rather dents the self belief.

We went to see the delicious Daniel Craig being Bond in Skyfall - worked out that as Bond has been going for 50 yrs he must be getting close to 70 by now (and is apparently in very good nick on all fronts). Judi Dench fantastic as always - I still want to be her when I get old(er).
And we had out flu jabs - himself for being 'at risk' after heart bypass (altho as fit as a flea) and me as I am 'his carer'. Achey arm, but otherwise unscathed.

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