This one...

...I found hard to do this one.

Partly today was too hot, hotter than yesterday.

Partly it is not quite my knd of painting.

It was one of those 10 minute You Tube paintings.

Colours were:
Primary Yellow
Primary Blue
Primary Red
Titanium White
Mars Black

The acrylic retarder I found in the garage last night worked just long enough to do the sky more smoothly.

It was frustrating doing the trees because my square headed brushes didn’t give the effect of fir trees that the You Tube guy got. Mine just looked like long blades of grass....

If you look in the extra you will see my set up. I left it outside in the garden last night, and it saved setting it up again. I will leave it out tonight again.

In the extra (the set up) was the painting after 7 minutes. That was how long he took. But at that point I dropped a blob of black in the sky accidentally :((

It was too hot, so Popeye and I went to sleep about 3 hours this afternoon.

Then I had a look at the video again...another 3 minutes to run.

This was where he added white mist in the distance.

But I didn’t like my fir trees.

So next hour was spent looking through all my smaller square headed brushes and trying them out.

I found 3 square headed brushes that gave a half decent effect.

Oh heck, Popeye has just caught something in the long escaped...he is puzzled...I think it was a mouse...he has pounced again...

I don’t this painting effort of mine. I think it is the kind of day when nothing would satisfy me. Going to make a cuppa...

Popeye is still pouncing and hunting...his body language just says he has or nearly has caught it...

I’ll post this and check what it is...

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