
By hannahstar

Waiting for the bus

Today I woke up to the horrific realization that I didn't take a photo yesterday! What with that and having just woken up and feeling really tired and having to face the worst day of my week (Wednesdays are always the worst day!) I just felt like crying!
However, after such a traumatic beginning to my day it actually turned out to be quite a nice day!
Firstly, french speaking practice was actually really fun and I didn't feel as tongue tied as usual!
I also got to leave school early after 3rd lesson as my teacher wasn't there for my 4th lesson today. I went into town and met up with my brother. We had lunch together which was really nice.
I then went to nursery which was also actually alright today! It's normally so manic and crazy and I guess it still was today, but I actually enjoyed it this time!
I'm annoyed that I didn't take a photo yesterday but to be honest I knew it would probably happen one day! Never mind, hopefully I won't miss too many more days in the future . . .

I took this photo whilst waiting for the bus into town.

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