The Byre - Cairnhead

When I eventually got going I was very brave and went to buy some new trainers from Gretna Gateway. My old ones which I got for doing the Keswick to Barrow walk in about 2000 have done good service but are well and truly worn out. I did well and forced myself to stick out the trauma of shopping beyond my 5 second threshold but then beat a retreat and headed up to Moniaive and cycled up the glen to The Byre
Such a wild and remote area. I didn’t see a soul.

The extra is one of the hill top arches in the distance.

Being - Don Paterson

Silent comrade of the distances,
Know that space dilates with your own breath;
ring out, as a bell into the Earth
from the dark rafters of its own high place –

then watch what feeds on you grow strong again.
Learn the transformations through and through:
what in your life has most tormented you?
If the water's sour, turn it into wine.

Our senses cannot fathom this night, so
be the meaning of their strange encounter;
at their crossing, be the radiant centre.

And should the world itself forget your name
say this to the still earth: I flow.
Say this to the quick stream: I am.

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