Expect the unexpected

Saturday 23rd June 2018

We quickly planned a day out, a bike ride from Lancaster to Morecombe, round the bay and back down the canal. 

We found a good car park and set off on the Millennium cycle track along the River Lune and across the Millennium bridge. Not long after we spotted a sign for Heysham and decided to extend our ride. When we got to Heysham it was time to call in at a tea shop and what wonderful cakes they had. I tried the owner's own new recipe - blackcurrant and liquorice cake, delicious! We also went to find The Lodge where mum first lived. 

Back on the bike we dropped down to the prom and cycled to Morecombe, where we discovered a kite festival. Having seen the large kites Huddsbird succumbed to buying a small one and we took it on to the beach to try. As you can see, Physivic had a go at flying the kite but then decided to be daring and we sent him up parascending! I'm not sure he completely enjoyed it as he was a bit quiet after that. To calm him down we took him to Eric's statue, just as the band arrived to play "Bring me sunshine". 

We enjoyed our time in Morecombe but as time had moved on we cycled straight back to Lancaster to collect the car - 16 miles in total. We then returned to Morecombe with the intention of having fish and chips, but first we had our usual fun on the motorbikes in the arcade and Huddsbird actually one, a first!  Morecombe must be the only seaside town in Britain that doesn't have a fish and chip shop on the front! We even walked through some of the backstreets but had to resort to google and a short car journey to find one! They were great when we got them though. 

All in all, a great and fun day. Expect the unexpected when we get together! Thanks Huddsbird and Physivic.

See Huddsbird's collage here for some more shots.   

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