Day 10 ...another day older and another day colder

Well good afternoon dear blippers. As you can see it is from a new venue.

Today we are in the Friendship Hall of Drakestown United Methodist Church in Long Valley. [ confusing I know but the church is actually in Long Valley . ]

The Schooley's Mountain Fire and Rescue Association had to close yesterday. The reason was that it was being used as a polling station which took up most of the space. More importantly we would not have been able to clear up and get the cots arranged for our overnight guests until very late. plus with the impending snow storm the Emergency Services will be in full swing.

However, there is always somewhere and someone in the community ready to step in and help. Many people who use the shelter do not drive at night and quite rightly like to feel secure before the darkness. They went to Trinity United Methodist Church in nearby Hackettstown where they have excellent facilities. Since Hackettstown itself has almost full power, heat and lighting and is only 3 miles away then this was the most sensible option.

A quick word about our good friend Ronni. When Hackettstown got their power we went to Hertz where she has rented a car [ if you recall hers was demolished by fallen trees ] and Ronni was last spotted heading south towards Virginia we believe to stay with relatives. Ronni is never one to stand still and wait for things to happen around her.

Even a confirmed cynic like me can almost be moved to tears. Yesterday afternoon a lady in her early nineties came into the center. She was frail but in good spirits. She cannot drive in the dark so made sure she was able to get to Hackettstown and had a bed for the night. Although she had no heat, electricity or water in her home she had managed to make some sandwiches which she brought in her carrier bag. Why ? Because she didn't want to be a nuisance to anyone. If that doesn't tug at the heartstrings then nothing will.

I notice as I sit here typing away that some of our regulars are arriving here. The Friendship Hall has a food pantry open from 5.00am until 6.00pm when it is then adapted for their overnight visitors.

I am on their list for volunteers because I live within walking distance and will be able to get here despite the winter storm on its way. Scheduled from midday until midday tomorrow and could dump 6" or so of snow together with 50mph winds.

The apology for a power company now say that the new storm could hamper their efforts to reenergize us. We are totally stunned by this announcement as we hadn't realized that were putting any effort in to begin with.

As always people are warm, both literally and figuratively, and I will be posting more about them as the days progress.

As I gaze through the window I see the first snowflakes drifting down so I will post this now just in case.

A wonderful posting on Twitter this morning.

" Will the last person leaving Long Valley please remember to switch off the lights."

someone replied

" But don't worry if you forget because they won't be switched on by then anyway "

Margaret's versatility has resulted in some splendid soups and stews+ last nights goats cheese and fig raviolis were outstanding . If it was not for the freezing cold the candlelit dinners would be rather romantic. Bit difficult to say anything endearing when your teeth are chattering non stop.

The white wine is now at a perfect room temperature and the gin and tonic only needs the slice of lime as it's cold enough as it is.

That's it from my new location,

Haste ye back and thanks for all the great comments.


This twitter just in from the Mayor "No news on the power situation but pleas remember that your 4th quarter taxes have to be paid by November 16th. If you are late interest reverts back to November 1st.

Thanks Mayor. That really helped the situation

Message for Suescape NO the iPhone5 is not working, but it does make a good coffee mat !!

Sorry for typing etc errors but do not have the patience or power left today to make alterations

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