From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

What did you expect? A broomstick?

Yes, today was the day I went back to Birmingham.

My flight from Edinburgh wasn't until 10.55am and as I'd packed last night, I could get up at a civilised time (7am) which is the same as the rest of my holiday week.

Horrors! I was in the shower, soaking with soap and shampoo everywhere - Don't panic! I won't say more! - when everything went black and the water stopped! All the lights had gone out and the news on Barack Obama had stopped blaring out of the TV set in the bedroom. What do you do? Well, there was no point standing there in the shower. So I stumbled around in the dark, grabbed a towel and feeling the walls navigated to my bag where I had a torch on my keyring. The journey was not without incident. I fell over my case and bashed my head on the wall. I'm surprised I didn't wake up the whole of Edinburgh with my howling and swearing!

I retrieved my torch, dug my glasses out as I didn't have my lenses in first thing, and got dressed by torchlight. It was still dark outside and there were no lights coming from the main building. I am in the back yard in the lodge. Just as I was wondering what to do next, the telly and lights all sprang back into life! Praise be! I couldn't be bothered to rinse the soap out of my hair and had run out of time anyway so I brushed it and dried it and went for my early toast and tea looking a bit like Worzel Gummidge. My landlord David Kay was waiting with his usual cheery smile and said 'Did you notice the power cut?'

HUMPH! Anyway, I had my toast, said goodbye and got to the bus stop in one piece. I'm not sure I looked like my passport photo in my soap dried state but I got back anyway with no further excitement.

The picture was from the window at Edinburgh Airport Gate 18 and that was my plane!

Track? I went to see Skyfall again yesterday and this fabulous track is towards the end. I think 'Boom, boom, boom' is the kind of noise I made when I hit the wall after falling over my case - John Lee Hooker - Boom, boom, boom

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