
By RobSmallshire


One of our clients commutes weekly from London To Oslo, so spends a lot of time in hotels at Fornebu. We offer to take them out for dinner. They suggest the nearby Sjøflyhavna Kro [Seaplane harbour pub]. I regularly pass this place and noted it’s distinctive late-1940s post-war architecture, but have never been inside.

We enjoy burger and fries, washed down with a few more beers than we intended before we’re turfed our to make way for a table reservation. We proceed to the bar of a hotel where we relax on sofas, gather intelligence about our clients’ situation, promote our services, and put and software world to rights over a few gin and tonics. I learn about a new project portfolio management technique called A3. It sounds gimmicky for a company that does “real” engineering.

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