The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Pleasant Surprise

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went to see Physio Paul again today. I was telling him about the chatty man in the waiting area last week and my temptation to make up a rude story. Physio Paul said that sometimes he has to stress to patients that he needs to know the cause of an injury.

And that some people then go into way too much detail. Some of which is probably more suited to sex therapy than physiotherapy!

I hobbled home and found a present waiting. I will admit to being slightly confused at first as all of the text on the box is in Czech, but there is a covering letter which explains that the dvd is the standard UK issue.

I am VERY excited. That’s going to be my weekend viewing treat! Thank you O’H dear. You are really quite lovely!


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