A close shave

A lot of rushing round this morning including watering at the allotment and picking strawberries (4.5lb).
Then off to Littleborough to meet the gas man for an annual check on the house there and to pick the grandkids up from school.
Pulling up the first hill on the M62 the water pump failed. We hadn't gone past the second Huddersfield exit so once the engine had cooled a bit we drove it very gently all the way down hill to the garage.
They couldn't lend us a car so a walk to the car hire place whereupon we discover Mr EAnn has left his wallet and driving licence at home.
A solution was found and eventually we were on our way. The gas man came a bit later, kids picked up, tea cooked and eaten (and strawberries ).
Home now, car will be mended in the morning and we are very grateful it happened where it did and today not tomorrow!

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