
When I was doing the washing up I noticed a squirrel at the top of the building opposite nipping in and out of a hole behind the drain pipe, carrying small leafy branches. Although on the squirrel's next sortie s/he was attacked by a gull while coming across the roof - don't know if this is a sensible nesting site!

Later we picked up Robb from Waverley and drove across to Glasgow, where he did a great gig at the Star. Didn't get a pic, although D got a nice one of Rory who turned up to play some harmonica with Robb and did a couple of songs too.

When we came out of the club rain was coming down in a monsoon-like fashion; there was a lot of surface water on the motorway and occasional floods. Thought it might ease off as we got further east but it kept pelting down. Apart from the scary surface water the visibility was very poor, so I don't think I went much above 40 mph the whole way back to Edinburgh. A truly horrible drive.

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