TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Another day...

Another tree...

Early in my blipping I envied people who seemed to have super places to blip...

I live less than a mile from a historic wood - duh!!!

Rough Wood Walsall is the southern edge of the historic Cannock Chase (Deer hunting for the gentry - think Robin Hood!)

When he wasn't getting married and dispatching wives in the 1500s Henry 8th had the Oak trees felled to build ships (and slaughtered the deer)

This part was left to itself and regenerated naturally - then they found coal (1700s)- this makes it an interesting place to walk with amazing dips and hollows

Any hows - now it is a nature reserve - and the 70 acres it covers contains 10% of the county's oak trees

whilst we have lost our Elms and the Ashes are under threat ...maybe we need to celebrate the English Oak responsible for decent beams in buildings and the ships that took on the Spanish Armada

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