Vacation Day 11

Well, that's it. We are back in Shenyang and I am back to blip.

We have been on 3 planes, 2 trains, countless busses, boats, horses and used our legs a lot. For me 3500 pics and for tine, just over 1000. We have had an awesome vacation. From breathtaking scenery to wierd and wonderful things to eat. We seem to have filled almost every moment with something. Quite an adventure but now back to reality (as all vacations must do). If you are interested, the pics start here. I have tried to vary the blips but choosing them hs been a mammoth task. The constant array of beautiful or strange or funny or just Waaaa things we encountered was wonderful. When I get more time, I will post sme of the outtakes on flickr. This blips by no means gives a view of all of the things we did.

As one of the blips says, smoking is allowed amost anywhere in China but you can't take a lighter on to a plane. They have to be left at the security gate. There are smoking rooms but since they have taken away all the lighters, they kindly have this setup for us smokers.

So I am all caught up, washed up and wrecked. Had a great time, but tomorrow is just another working day.

It's great to be back to blip though. I look forward to trying to catch up on what I have missed out on. If you look back at the vacation pics, I hoep you enjoy them

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