Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Lomond Hilles and Howe of Fife

Being a glutton for punishment, I cycle back to Edinburgh from St. Andrews. At least the forecast is dry. As I'm tired from yesterday, I don't get up too early. I also have to wait for one of my friends as their bike is locked to mine.

I have a leisurely breakfast (I've never been a fan of a cooked breakfast, but they do serve a pretty good one at the accommodation), then finish packing the panniers. When I get to the reception, my friend is already there, so the bike is liberated and I load up the bike.

I say goodbye to my friends, who have motorised transport back to the Windy City, and set off. Heading west along Hepburn Gardens, there is headwind. I take the back road to Pitscottie. It climbs quicker out of St. Andrews, there is a flat top before a nice descent to Pitscottie. Back on the B road, its through Pitscottie to Ceres, and then climbing to Craigrothie. I then follow National Cycle Route 1, down the steep hill of Chance Inn, past Findas Knowe and on to Cults Hill.

At a clearing in the trees, I take my blip which shows the Lomond Hills on the left and the Howe of Fife. I cycle through Coaltown of Burnturk to Kettlehill, then the sharp descent to Freuchie. There are no cakes today, so its onwards to Falkland. NCN route 1 passes through the centre of this historic wee town, but its drizzly, so I don't take any photos, and take the back route to the Pillars of Hercules, a café / organic farm shop. IT is Father's Day, so quite busy. As I have been cycling slowly, I cycle on as it is way after 11am. 

At Wester Kilgour, there is a twisty descent to Strathmiglo on a path. This brings me out on to Dryside Road, which is considerably drier than yesterday. There is a long slow ascent, remember I am carrying two panniers, up to the Glen Burn car park, before a couple of dips and a descent on a bumpy road to Wester Balgedie.

For lunch, I turn off NCN Route 1and head south to Scotlandwell, onto The Causeway, which crosses land recovered from Loch Leven, to the B9097,which I follow west to the RSPB Vane Farm wildlife reserve. They has a nice wee café, which doesn't get so busy, so I can get a table for lunch.  Extra 1 shows the view looking north from the café observation point across Loch Leven.

After lunch, I continue west to the B996, where I head south. I turn off at Kelty, head along Main Street and Oakfield Street and on to the Old Perth Road to skirt Cowdenbeath, with a steep climb up from Cantsdam. At the top of the hill, I get my first view of the Pentland Hills, and I can clearly make out the Midlothian Ski Centre.

There's a descent, followed by the last climb in Fife to the Hill of Beath.I then follow the B981. It is quite a fast road to cycle on, not as busy as parallel roads, although there is still a headwind. Once through Crossgates, the countryside is quite open, and the road a bit of a drag. I pass the Amazon depot at Dunfermline, and the road starts to head downward. Just after the junction with the B916, the road descends nicely down to Inverkeithing. The last town in Fife.

It's straight through Inverkeithing and on to the Forth Road Bridge, and up to the observation point, Extra 2.

I follow NCN Route 1 through South Queensferry, Dalmeny, along the A90 cyclepath to Cramond Brig. Then its in to the city centre along the cycle path network,onto the canal and finally home

The whole route can be seen at Relive here.

I get home have a shower, then am given two cards and presents from the twins. Then I am taken out for a meal (although the twins disappear off before the bill appears, and my partner pays)

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